
Showing posts from May, 2007

Man described as a top spammer arrested

This story made my day. People like Soloway give Internet Marketers a bad name and cost businesses millions of dollars each year. Getting someone like Soloway off the Internet is good for everyone. Read the full story on Yahoo Man described as a top spammer arrested - Yahoo! News Protect yourself from SPAM and email fraud. Stay informed and keep your computer protected. If you encounter a suspicious email don't click on any links or open any attachments in the email. To learn more about protecting yourself from SPAM and email fraud Visit Federal Trade Commission Website and US Department of Justice Website Staying informed is your best defense against fraud. Report suspicious emails - The best practice is to report the email directly to the institution or organization in question. For example: if you get an email from your bank that you feel is suspicious, report that email directly to your banks fraud department. The same is true for most major Internet properties, banks and ot...

Testing blogger mobil

Sent this blog from my Treo mobile phone and it worked. Sweet mercy technology is amazing. To learn more about mobile blogging visit . It's quick and easy to figure out and a heck of a lot of fun. It's also a great way to capitlize on those countless moments when you're waiting in line somewhere or just have a few minutes to burn. I can't think of a better way of keeping in touch with your online visitors then to blog them from your cell phone.