
SEO Strategy: Keyword Research

KEYWORD RESEARCH – 9 STEPS TO SEO SUCCESS Every effective SEO campaign starts with a comprehensive keyword research strategy. In this article I discuss 9 steps to establishing a solid list of keywords and keyword terms to build the foundation of your SEO. Read More at: KEYWORD RESEARCH – 9 STEPS TO SEO SUCCESS

Search Trends Comparison for Internet Marketing Keyword Terms

Search Trends Comparison for Web Design, Wordpress, Search Engine Optimization, SEO and Social Media  Updated Oct 11, 2021

New WebSamurai Blog

We have setup a new blog which will become our primary destination for updates and information related to WebSamurai, SEO, Web Design and other services offered. Please visit the new WebSamurai Blog and stay in touch. Hope to see you there. Andrew
  PROJECT : SIP NETWORK WEBSITE SERVICES :  WORDPRESS WEB DESIGN  /  WEB HOSTING OBJECTIVE : Design and build a community website to showcase podcasters using WordPress. LIVE WEBSITE :
PROJECT : GET TACTICAL SUPPLY WEBSITE SERVICES :  ECOMMERCE WEB DESIGN  /  WEB HOSTING OBJECTIVE : Design and build an ecommerce website to showcase tactical supplies and products for client using WordPress and Woocommerce. LIVE WEBSITE :

Kingman Rodeo

Here's a preview of the new Kingman Rodeo Website that I've been working on recently. The Kingsmen Andy Divine Pro Rodeo Committee Presents the 2019 PRCA Rodeo in Kingman AZ, June 1&2.

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Did you know there's a recent development from Google that could be affecting your website traffic? If it's been a long time since your website was built, you should know that things have changed in a major way over the years with Google search and the rapid increase of Mobile search. Not long ago, Google announced some things that has impacted the Web in a major way and because of this, I'm encouraging my clients to consider updating their websites to mobile friendly platforms for several reasons. Reasons For Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly First and most importantly is that many of your visitors are now using smart phones as their primary source of Internet browsing. Second and nearly equally important is that Google is no longer displaying websites that are not "Mobile Friendly" in their mobile search results. Internet Users Have Adapted And So Should You Test Your Website I've tested dozens of websites and many do not meet the req...