
Showing posts from 2007

Quantcast - an interesting tool for your website (rank 728,041) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast I found this tool for my website which requires adding a script to each page of your site and tracks all the traffic to your website. Provides visitor averages and demographics of your website audience or compare your Internet reach with top Internet properties to see where you rank. Check out the data we've received for and consider implementing this tool with your own website to keep track of your Internet reach. Visit to register your account then contact your web designer to implement the code on your web pages. If you need help or have any questions feel free to contact AMI Studios at

Last Days of '07

After taking almost two weeks off for the holidays the AMI team will be back in full production on Jan 2 2008. We should be ready to unveil some new personal projects at that time so be sure to check in with us around the first part of the new year. Hope everyone had a great holiday and may the new year be prosperous for everyone. Andrew

Projects in Development

It's been a while since I've posted anything so here's a list of projects in development that have been keeping me away from my daily research and blogging. Executive Gaming - A Restaurant and Casino holding company operating throughout Nevada. They own and operate several properties in Ely, and Las Vegas. Newzlab - The creation of NewzLab brings a new dimension of Internet marketing to our suite of tools for clients by offering an unbranded email marketing solution for keeping in touch with customers. There are plenty more projects in the pipe that we are working on but I can't let all my secrets out now can I. Until next time.

Comic Art Directory Submission

Submit your website to our comic art directory. Submissions must be related to comic books, comic art, or fine art. While you're there check out our great selection of original comic art. read more | digg story

How to Design a Web Page

How to Design a Web Page A short guide to help you understand the concept and technical issues involved in web page design.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing with NewzLab makes communicating your message easier. Send mass emails to customers, subscribers and prospects in minutes. Setup autoresponders to send your message to subscribers automatically. Increase your return on investment by staying in touch with everyone on your contact list on a regular basis with less effort.

Design Your Own Logo

Design your own logo with this simple logo design guide from AMI Studios. read more | digg story

Patent Your Idea, Protect Your Interest

Getting a patent for your idea doesn't need to be as costly and painful as most people think. Doing most of the work yourself can save thousands of dollars but where do you start and what can you do? Search existing patents to make sure your idea is not already owned. I recommend using Google Patent Search for starters. This patent search is much easier to use then the USPTO website. For some helpful information to get started visit the Google Patent Search help page . If you prefer, you can go directly to the US Patent and Trademark Office website to start your search Next step is to file your application with the USPTO. To begin this process you must first educate yourself on types of applications, types of patents, how to file etc. The USPTO has put together an online guide to filing your patent application Once your patent application has been filed your idea is officially "Patent Pending" and you should use this term in any marketing collateral you publish.

One Amazing Picture from Space

This photo was taken during a space walk. To view this and more pictures of space checkout the NASA Image of the Day Gallery .

NASA - Photographing the Approach

Testing the add photo to blog capability with this NASA photo. To visit the website and see more NASA photos click here NASA - Photographing the Approach This is actually a very simple exercise. To learn this for yourself check out this blogger image tutorial at

Google determined to make Internet access for all a priority.

Google is leading the charge to make broadband Internet more competitive in order to make it more accessible for American consumers. Official Google Blog: Our commitment to open broadband platforms

Adding video to your website. (on the cheap)

Video is one of the coolest features you can add to your website and helps you deliver your message in a quick and targeted manner. Most people think it's too expensive to even consider adding video to their website and not long ago that was completely true. However, YouTube has made adding video to your website inexpensive as well as ridiculously simple. Keep in mind that inexpensive and simple does not mean you should subject your visitors to a cheap, low quality presentation. Make sure you take the time to create a high quality, well produced video before you even consider publishing it on your website. You might try shooting the video yourself and possibly even editing and formatting the video yourself, but be sure you get plenty of feedback from people whose opinions you respect before publishing the video. For home-grown productions, be prepared to take some criticism, but don't let that deter you from completing the project. Once you've finished producing your video ...

Capitalizing on Media Buzz

If your business provides a service that can be tied to a local media story that's big enough to generate national attention, take the opportunity to go on camera and give your take on the event. Offer your insight on prevention, response, reaction or whatever information your company can provide to aid the public in dealing with these situations. If it's not a tragedy then use a human interest angle to get your message across. What if I don't want to go on camera? You could hire a representative, or have an employee represent your company and coach that person on what to say, what to wear, how to act etc. It would be much more effective if the president or CEO of the company went on camera, but if you're not comfortable with that then have someone do it for you. Isn't it immoral to take advantage of tragedy? There's nothing immoral about offering sound advice to aid the public in times of crisis. Information is what people need to feel secure. They need to know...

Google Docs & Spreadsheets

I just started using this free service offered by Google which allows you to create, edit and store Word Docs and Spreadsheets online using your Google account. This is a great alternative to other products that are restricted to your desktop because you can share the docs over the Internet and access the information from different computers or allow other users to access the documents. It's easy to use and free. You can add it to your Google account if you already have one, or setup a new account in minutes and have access to this great suite of online office tools. Visit Google to learn more Welcome to Google Docs & Spreadsheets And Google will be adding Slideshow presentations to this feature soon. Learn more here Official Google Blog

Pirated "Sicko" surfaces on YouTube - Yahoo! News

Is this a very well crafted marketing strategy by the film makers or a serious copyright violation? At first the film makers were not complaining about the free press this story was generating and after all a marketing campaign is designed to increase public awareness about a product. Lion's Gate and Weinstein Co. have since expressed their disgust at the violation but Michael Moore the films creator is adamantly against copyright laws. Weinstein Co. cries malpractice over "Sicko" leaks As for the film itself, I doubt I will go to theaters to see it, but I'll probably rent it when it's released on DVD. Pirated "Sicko" surfaces on YouTube - Yahoo! News

Ebay / Google spat - Update

At first glance it seems that Google would be the loser in the escalating drama between the two Internet giants. With Ebay pulling all advertising from Google investors at the Google camp are likely to be a bit edgy. We'll have to watch and see. However there is another third party interest group who may suffer as a result of this dispute. The Ebay merchants who work feverishly to optimize their product listings to get to the top of Ebays' listings so that search visitors who come in from Google will find their products first. Without Google driving search visitors to Ebay listings, Ebay merchants are likely to see a dramatic decrease in number of impressions their listings receive. Less visitors means less bid competition which could drive the final bid prices down for Ebay merchants. Good for Ebay bidders, not good for Ebay merchants. A strange observation I'm pondering. Ebay has been displaying ads delivered by Yahoo on their network for nearly a year now, yet Yahoo has ...

Ouch! That's gotta hurt

Ebay and Google locked in mortal combat over online payment solution? Google wants Ebay to offer their payment solution Google Checkout so they organize the Checkout Freedom Party . Ebay retaliates by pulling all their advertising from Google Adwords Network. Who will cave in first? Ebay is craftily managing damage control by stating the maneuver is part of a marketing experiment. At least this leaves the door open for them to return to Google later on and save face. Google has canceled the party which was scheduled to run at the same time as Ebay Live . How long will this last? It seems to me Google backed down pretty quick, But that doesn't mean it's over. This will be interesting to watch. Stay tuned.

Apples' marketing formula to beat competition

Anyone who knows marketing has to be impressed with Apples' marketing strategy. By delivering funny, witty commercials and a competitive product line Apple is reaching more customers than ever. With the addition of the iPhone to their product line Apple is again increasing their customer base and opening the doors for a technology revolution. The iPhone is one of the most intriguing products to hit the market in a long time. Read the full story NewsFactor Network | Apple's iPhone Buzz Hits New Pitch

Will XM & Sirius really merge?

Will consumers benefit? Will the company benefit? Will advertisers benefit? Will stock holders benefit? These are the only 2 competing companies for the satellite radio audience. If they merge this becomes a monopoly. For some this would be a huge benefit. Share holders of each company would automatically own part of the competing company. Users of either service would have access to the competing companies services and advertisers would extend their reach to the competing companies consumer base. These are the obvious short range benefits that everyone would enjoy. On the darker side of things, this could mean higher subscription rates for listeners. However that is not likely to happen in the immediate future. There are plenty of alternate sources of broadcast entertainment available to consumers which creates indirect competition for the two companies. After all if the demand for satellite radio was so high that it made alternate services insignificant this merger would never have b...

Man described as a top spammer arrested

This story made my day. People like Soloway give Internet Marketers a bad name and cost businesses millions of dollars each year. Getting someone like Soloway off the Internet is good for everyone. Read the full story on Yahoo Man described as a top spammer arrested - Yahoo! News Protect yourself from SPAM and email fraud. Stay informed and keep your computer protected. If you encounter a suspicious email don't click on any links or open any attachments in the email. To learn more about protecting yourself from SPAM and email fraud Visit Federal Trade Commission Website and US Department of Justice Website Staying informed is your best defense against fraud. Report suspicious emails - The best practice is to report the email directly to the institution or organization in question. For example: if you get an email from your bank that you feel is suspicious, report that email directly to your banks fraud department. The same is true for most major Internet properties, banks and ot...

Testing blogger mobil

Sent this blog from my Treo mobile phone and it worked. Sweet mercy technology is amazing. To learn more about mobile blogging visit . It's quick and easy to figure out and a heck of a lot of fun. It's also a great way to capitlize on those countless moments when you're waiting in line somewhere or just have a few minutes to burn. I can't think of a better way of keeping in touch with your online visitors then to blog them from your cell phone.

AMI Studios' StumbleUpon Site

AMI Studios' reviews This is an experiment I tried when I found out about StumbleUpon. It's a pretty cool community website where you can share your favorite websites with other members. Has quite a few interesting features to check out so be sure you have some free time to burn when you go to this site.

AMI Studios' YouTube Experiment

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. This is the official AMI Studios YouTube page. I first checked out YouTube to see what the buzz was all about. I quickly learned why it was so popular and setup an account. I checked out a lot of videos from other people which was pretty cool. But then I uploaded some of our own videos and that's where the real fun begins. Check out our videos and let us know what you think. If you set up your own account and add your own videos be sure to drop us a note so we can check them out.

AMI Studios on MySpace This is our official MySpace page. We just recently launched this page to find out what goes into setting up an account, adding content to your MySpace page and getting a feel for the overall user experience. It's definately a fun experiment. Check it out and if you like, set up your own MySpace and add us to your friends list.


Welcome to the official blog for AMI Studios. This is a resource for those interested in marketing, web design and graphics. If you would like to learn more about AMI Studios please drop by our website .