
Showing posts from December, 2007

Quantcast - an interesting tool for your website (rank 728,041) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast I found this tool for my website which requires adding a script to each page of your site and tracks all the traffic to your website. Provides visitor averages and demographics of your website audience or compare your Internet reach with top Internet properties to see where you rank. Check out the data we've received for and consider implementing this tool with your own website to keep track of your Internet reach. Visit to register your account then contact your web designer to implement the code on your web pages. If you need help or have any questions feel free to contact AMI Studios at

Last Days of '07

After taking almost two weeks off for the holidays the AMI team will be back in full production on Jan 2 2008. We should be ready to unveil some new personal projects at that time so be sure to check in with us around the first part of the new year. Hope everyone had a great holiday and may the new year be prosperous for everyone. Andrew

Projects in Development

It's been a while since I've posted anything so here's a list of projects in development that have been keeping me away from my daily research and blogging. Executive Gaming - A Restaurant and Casino holding company operating throughout Nevada. They own and operate several properties in Ely, and Las Vegas. Newzlab - The creation of NewzLab brings a new dimension of Internet marketing to our suite of tools for clients by offering an unbranded email marketing solution for keeping in touch with customers. There are plenty more projects in the pipe that we are working on but I can't let all my secrets out now can I. Until next time.